Alpha 0.2 released!

Alpha 0.2

Large break was taken. Work has resumed. Real life is a thing that happens and takes time, so work might pause at any point.


  • Changed the look of the selector
  • Changed mine caves to have 3 different variants, giving different amounts of stone
  • Adjusted goals in some levels
  • Changed costs of some buildings.
  • Units/Villagers now also cost food.
    • Villagers only cost food now (the wood cost was very taxing before)
  • Changed the look of the ground
  • Changed the color of the trees
  • New waves only start counting down after the last wave was defeated (before you could just wait until all waves had spawned and you would win)


  • Fixed spiders not attacking buildings
  • Fixed a lot of random stuff that probably isn’t mentioned here
  • Spider nests in the wave level can no longer be killed and break the game.
  • Spider nests should now have a lesser priority to kill than spiders.
  • Fixed the wave level so now the last wave actually matters.


  • Added food
    • Added farms that produce infinite food but harvested slowly for a low amount
    • Added berry bushes that have finite food but is harvested fast for a larger amount
  • Added stone walls
  • Added fences
  • Added more settings
  • Added sounds to building
  • Added button click sounds
  • Added small clutter objects around the maps
  • Added small flowers on the ground

Known issues

  • AI is still wonky and is being reworked in the next update
  • AI might also error out and tank performance
  • Farmers sometimes get stuck when being assigned, reassigned them to something elses seems to fix it
  • The windmill doesn’t understand physics and spins whatever way it pleases.
  • When the music stops it takes a few seconds to play a new song.

Files 44 MB
Jan 27, 2022

Get Land Lords

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